
Our brains can be gateways to creativity and chaos. Peace and punishment. Determination and detriment. How we think and what we think are keys to choosing whether our brain is focused or fragmented.

When our thoughts are obsessive, compulsive, anxiety inducing doorways we end up miserable. We can’t find balance or tranquility. We lock on to worry or fear and it leads us to places of stagnation and regression.

Training ourselves to let go of a thought that’s causing pain and disrupting our pursuit of happiness and purpose is vital to our mental, emotional and spiritual health. Realizing and releasing the thoughts that bring us to and trap us in a state of uncertainty and imbalance is a discipline few master but a habit worth developing and practicing.

Read. Understand. Absorb. Repeat.


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  1. Bob Ritzema Avatar
    Bob Ritzema

    Not all rabbit trails are alike! For me, anyway, some are delightful, but others take me to an unhealthy place. There’s discernment required to recognize what sort of trail I’m on.

    Liked by 1 person

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